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Conference Programme

Across three days at ALTC24, we will critically examine current practices as well as look to the future. Join 350 leaders, researchers, practitioners and innovators to analyse what we might do differently and collectively discuss where developments in learning theory and learning technology might lead us and:

  • Share and evaluate the latest Learning Technology research
  • Explore best practices in digital education and training
  • Network and connect with your community
  • Collaborate and share new strategies and methods 
  • Find practical resources and inspiration for the year ahead 

Please note the programme is subject to changes.

Programme overview

09:30Welcome and icebreaker09:15Welcome and icebreaker09:15Welcome and icebreaker
10:00Welcome address09:30Welcome address09:30Welcome address
10:30Opening keynote09:45Keynote09:45Keynote
12:00Session 111:15Session 111:15Session 1
14:00Session 213:00AGM13:30Session 2
15:15Break13:45Session 214:45Break
15:45Session 314:45Break15:15Session 3
17:00Drinks reception15:15Session 316:30Close
19:00Close16:15Short break
16:30Session 4
17:30Conference close
18:30Awards welcome drinks
19:00Awards dinner

This year, the conference will focus on “Doing, reflecting, improving, collaborating”. Sessions will focus on the following themes:

  • Cultivating Collaboration: Partnerships are increasingly important, both internally and externally. That might be learners as partners, partnerships with vendors, or national and international partners. What partnerships are you cultivating? What lessons have you learned? Are you seeking new partnerships?
  • Reviewing, Reflecting, Re-imagining: Part of the learning cycle is to reflect, review, and re-imagine how we do things. How do we effectively review, reflect and re-imagine our own work? What achievements and challenges have you experienced? What reflections do you have on digital learning – that might be approaches to learning, old and new ‘tools’ we’re using well, or in different ways? How do we (re-)imagine learning technology post-2024?
  • Inviting Improvement: What opportunities do we create for continuing professional development (CPD)? How can we leverage the lifelong learning entitlement, digital badging, and digital literacies? How do we develop ourselves and others through leadership and coaching? How do we include both students and staff in these development opportunities? How do we link this to continuous quality improvement in the learning and teaching we support?
  • Emerging research: Research or case studies focused on learning technology and education practices. Papers submitted to this theme will be published in our Annual Conference 2024 proceedings
  • Wildcard: Submissions that address the wider conference theme, covering practice, research or policy in Learning Technology.