Renewing our vows to ELESIG: launching ALT ELESIG
Edited by Dr Tunde Varga-Atkins
November 15, 2019 11:51 am
ALT ELESIG was officially launched at the ALT conference in Sep 2019.

In this blog post and at the online Winter Conference of ALT, we would like to mark the launch of our new platform under ALT as a Special Interest Group.
So who are we?
We are a community of researchers and practitioners involved in investigations of learners’ experiences and uses of technology in learning. As ALT ELESIG members, we work together to share knowledge, practices and develop a shared repertoire of resources, building capacity by:
- sharing good practice and developments in learner experience research methodology and methods.
- sharing the outcomes of specific learner experience research studies, including successes, issues and challenges.
- identifying areas of shared interest for cross-institutional collaborations.
- raising the profile of learner experience research within the sectors.
- collaborating with other stakeholder groups involved with learner experience research, including students as partners.

How can you get involved?
- Offer to present a webinar related to the above themes or suggest a speaker or a topic we can approach.
- Locate your nearest regional rep to find out about local/regional events (see our About ELESIG page with Organising Committee members).
- Share resources you have created to help your learner experience research (e.g. data collection instruments, bibliography, – anything!).
- Tell us if you have an idea for a topic or a case study to share in our Handbook of Learner Experience research.
- Follow us on Twitter @elesig
- See our Activities page for more details.
We look forward to working with you!
Tunde Varga-Atkins (Chair) and Vicki Dale (Secretary) on behalf of the ALT ELESIG Organising committee