Webinar 11th March 2021: The Student Voice on Active Blended Learning

The ELESIG Webinar Series are back! We have had our first webinar on Thursday March 11th 2021, 1pm – 2pm with presenters:

  • Professor Alejandro (Ale) Armellini – Dean of Digital and Distributed Learning (University of Portsmouth)
  • Virginia Teixeira Antunes – Independent consultant working in the education sector
  • Rob Howe – Head of Learning Technology (University of Northampton)


Northampton University introduced Active Blended Learning as an institutional approach in 2014 and has been working to embed this in their curriculum design and approval processes. From Rob Howe we heard more details about what exactly the approach is. Virginia Teixeira Antunes then talked us through how they have consulted with staff and students to evaluate this approach in terms of helpfulness to support student engagement and learning. Professor Ale Armellini discussed the ABL approach from the vantage point of the pandemic and highlighted the important link between staff engagement and visibility in the teaching process with student engagement.

We didn’t have a chance to cover all the questions posed by webinar participants, so we have picked them up in this padlet please have a read and add your responses.

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