Introducing: ALT ELESIG Scotland

Who are we?

The Scottish regional group has members from all over Scotland including Higher Education and Further Education as well as those working independently. Some members have a very specific interest in online teaching and learning as learning technologists, others are academics who have a more general interest in how we use technologies to support our teaching activities.

Our Highlights / Activities

We run twice yearly events over a single day which are hosted by member institutions. This is all voluntary and we have had great sessions across Scotland, the last being at The University of West of Scotland’s amazing new campus in Hamilton. The format that has worked for us is  having a key note speaker, and a presentation from the host institution as well as a range of shorter inputs around a theme (in the latest one this was #future). They are all concerned with exploring student experiences of online learning. We encourage and have had some excellent presentations from students. At the end of each meeting an organising committee discusses the theme and location of the next meeting.

How to get involved

We are always keen to welcome new members to the group. If you want to find out more or to join the group please e-mail Mary McVey at   or Avril Edmond

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