ALT ELESIG Scholar Scheme (pilot) 2021

Would you like to join the ALT ELESIG Scholar Scheme (pilot)?

The Scholar Scheme (pilot) will be 6 months in duration. It will commence in February 2021 and complete in July 2021.

The scheme is seeking both scholar applicants and scholar advisors.

  • Scholar applicants are those seeking a professional learning opportunity
  • Scholar advisors are experienced colleagues wanting to support another with their professional learning

There are three pathways in the pilot scheme:

  1. Early-career professionals who would like to widen their professional network and develop a feasible professional development plan.
  2. Mid-career professionals seeking to consolidate their skills and experience through developing an application for Senior CMALT or Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA).
  3. Colleagues who would like to establish or better ground their publication practice and develop a publishing plan to disseminate your research.

Each scholar will be matched with an advisor and engage with them over the duration of the scheme. There will be opportunities to engage with other scholars at particular times during the scheme.

As a scholar you will be asked to:

  • Attend an ELESIG Scholar Scheme workshop (this will be run online and will be no more that one hour or one hour and half.
  • Meet and engage with your scholar advisor through four one-to-one meetings. This will vary depending on who your advisor is and what your commitments are. You may meet each month for one hour (March, April, May and June) or you may meet less times for longer or more often for less.
  • Participate in the ELESIG Scholar Scheme Showcase. It is envisaged that this will be in July 2021. It may be either online or in person. As the scheme progesses you will find out more information in regard to this element of the commitment.

Your involvement in the scheme will help you develop yourself professionally. By getting involved you will have the opportunity to connect with an ELESIG scholar or a scholar advisor.

  • You will give or provide support to develop professional career goals for ALT ELESIG members.
  • All scholars and advisors will be able to network and build professional relationships
  • You will have the opportunity to gain new skills and knowledge as well as further develop and enhance existing skills and knowledge.
  • You will be able to develop viable career goals and have the opportunity disseminate your findings through the Scholar Showcase and other ALT events.

Complete the online form to express your interest in the pilot Scholar Scheme.

The expression of interest will close on Friday 22nd January 2021.

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