
  • A new webinar series will begin in Autumn 2022: 1pm-2pm (45 mins, 15 min Q&A)

    • 15 Nov at 1-2 pm Dr Vicki  Dale (University of Glasgow)   Title of session: e-pedagogy frameworks that support student-centredness

    • 6th Dec 1-2pm Dot Powell (University of Warwick) Title of session: Study of WhatsApp group chat interactions within Distance Learning MBA virtual study groups

    Book via ALT Events 

  • Get involved with the ALSIG – 
  • Active Learning Network – Global Festival of Learning 25-29 April 2022
  • Upcoming webinars
    • Ian Miller – Lessons from moving online
    • Deborah Arnold – Dynamic toolkit
  • Recorded webinar
  • July 2021 – Webinar series announced for Autumn 2021
  • June 2021 – Revisit our 5 Days of Winter ALEs (Active Learning Enhancement Sharing) Tweet Chat
  • June 2021 – Get involved – To join the Active Learning SIG, please sign up to the Jisc mailing list