Photo by Jaime Lopes on Unsplash.
Conference dates and times
OER23 takes place from Tuesday 4 April to Thursday 6 April:
Pre-Conference 4 April
Pre-conference activities and GO-GN Day, social pre-conference meet up.
Day 1 5 April
Conference programme from 9:30am and evening social activity.
Day 2 6 April
Conference programme until 5:00pm and social post-conference meet up.
Online activities on Discord will begin the week before the conference and our dedicated social space remains available for a month after the event.
Social programme
Learn more about our social programme and meet our performers.
Featured speakers
Learn more about our Featured Speakers including GO-GN Members at OER23.
Open the programme in a new window.
Watch the plenary recordings by clicking on the links in the programme below or visiting our OER23 YouTube channel.