A birthday make-over for the ALT online newsletter
The online version of the ALT newsletter is now 10 years old!
We are celebrating by relaunching the online newsletter as the #altc Blog – with a fresh new look. As #altc is being used more, across social media, for the ALT community to share and learn together it seemed right to use this as the name of the blog too.
The #altc Blog will have the same great mix of community-generated posts and we are encouraging more members of the ALT community to contribute.
We welcome short articles (up to 500 words) and/or videos in a wide range of categories such as:
- a review (of software, a book or other publication, or a conference or event)
- a project report (for example a summary of a research or development project with links to further information)
- a case study (for instance an account of your department or institution’s experiences implementing a particular technology)
- a summary of a discussion (discussions on the JISCmail list are a good source for summary articles)
- a preview or follow up piece linking to an article in Research in Learning Technology or another of ALT’s publications
- an interview (of the ‘week in the life’ style, or with influential and inspiring learning technology people)
- a report of ALT SIG and RIG events or activities.
The fortnightly ALT News Digest will continue to disseminate details of upcoming events and job vacancies.
If you would like to contribute to the #altc Blog have a look at the Write for Us page for more information. If you have any queries you can contact the editorial team at blog@alt.ac.uk
Image credit: flickr photo by Will Clayton http://flickr.com/photos/spool32/5045502202 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license