Events for UK Fair Dealing 21st of February – 25th 2022
We’re galloping towards to the UK’s first Fair Dealing week, coordinated by The ALT Copyright and Online Learning Special Interest Group (CoOLSIG), and now have several events listed below. These events both celebrate and provide information about the UK’s important legal framework (Fair Dealing).
Fair Dealing week presents opportunities for everyone in the educational community to learn more about this valuable framework, as basics concepts, along with best practice, will be explored by copyright scholars and practitioners. Whether you’re an academic, librarian, or learning technologist, everyone is encouraged to attend these free online events.
UK Fair Dealing week events
Fair Dealing Week started in the US as Fair Use Week and was created by Kyle K Courtney. The week runs from 21st-25th February 2022. Below is a list of events that are taking place in UK institutions:
Monday 21st of February
The online launch event is being hosted by Chris Morrison and Dr Jane Secker. With Kyle K Courtney, Dr Emily Hudson at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), 6-7.30pm (BST) on Zoom. The launch event will present the basic principles of Fair Dealing in the UK and focus on best practice, along with directing attendees to shared resources, including new guidance from the IALS. Book here.
Wednesday 23rd of February
The University of Kent will celebrate its strong tradition of creative reuse, by demonstrating how research, education and engagement at Kent are all underpinned by a copyright literacy strategy and associated policy which encourage Kent staff and students to make informed use of legal provisions. This online event will take place from 5:00pm – 6:30pm (BST), and is chaired by Chris Morrison, with Dr Richard Misek, Dr Ben Marsh, Dr Alexandra Covaci and Dr Jane Secker. Find out more and book here.
Thursday 24th of February
SCURL Copyright and Other Legal group, Fair Dealing Coffee Morning. The Challenge of Using Copyright Exceptions for Global Online Teaching with Debbie McDonnell, British Council. 10-11am (BST). This informal online event will be kick started with a presentation from Debbie, where the challenges around using the Fair Dealing exceptions outside the UK will be explored, along with assessing the associated risk, and best practice. This will be followed up with Q&A/ discussion session. More details and booking.
Bloomsbury Learning Exchange (BLE) Fair Dealing Panel Discussion. Primarily aimed at BLE members, join librarians and learning technologists to discuss what fair dealing means in practice. Held online. 2.30-4pm (BST) Please contact s.sherman@ble.ac.uk to book a place.
1 Comment
very interesting and very useful review