Chief Executive’s Report, October 2016
Dear Members of ALT,
With our Annual Conference behind us, I’d like to use this report to share an update about the Association’s next strategy and make you aware of key developments across our community. I’d also like to warmly welcome many new Members who have joined us this year, including the following organisations: Meetoo, GSM London, Hull College, Utah Valley University, Global Vocational Skills Ltd., Heriot-Watt University, University of Surrey, RefME, University of Wolverhampton, Central College Nottingham, Canterbury Christ Church University, Bishop Grosseteste University, Reclaim Hosting, Cardiff University, Central YMCA and Civitas Learning.
Annual Conference and AGM
In September, we welcome Prof Martin Weller from the Open University as Chair, together with two newly elected Trustees, Bella Abrams, Director of Innovation and Technology at Hull College Group, and Lorna Campbell, OER Liaison – Open Scotland within the Learning, Teaching and Web division at the University of Edinburgh. After over two decades of Annual General Meetings, this year’s AGM finally saw the introduction of digital voting, and you can access the minutes from the meeting via the ALT website.
We also celebrated 10 years of the Learning Technologist of the Year Awards, recognising not only this year’s winners, the Learning Technology and Innovation team, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and Daniel Scott, from Barnsley College, but also the achievements of individuals and teams from across the UK who have received an award over the past 10 years. It was a special moment that really showed how far our efforts to promote Learning Technology have come and what a pivotal role the Association has played.
Shaping ALT’s next strategy
Building on a successful conference, Martin Weller and Sheila MacNeill joined me for a presentation in October, which you can watch on ALT’s YouTube channel, to review what progress we have made to deliver the current strategy and to continue our consultation with Members about priorities for the next three-year period, 2017-2020.
At a time when political and economic uncertainty has a strong impact across different learning contexts from Higher to Further Education, from adult to work-based learning and beyond, the Association remains a strong independent voice, bringing together Members across the country to share practice and research. Frameworks like CMALT, which provide peer-based recognition and articulate consistent, yet flexible requirements, are key to helping individuals develop in their career and contribute to a critical, reflective discourse – particularly as Learning Technology becomes a bigger part of more professional roles.
Make your voice heard
I am proud of what we have achieved over the past few years. ALT continues to develop as an independent charity, and as our membership grows, the voice of our Members becomes stronger and more influential. So alongside my colleagues in the staff team and working together with Trustees and Members, I feel that our next strategy should set out an ambitious, robust vision for the future. Our aims and values need to reflect the priorities of you, our Members, and reflect the fundamental importance of Learning Technology, and its potential of helping us meet some of the biggest challenges that we face across sectors.
Between now and the end of the year, we want to hear from you. To end my report, here is a reminder of how you can make sure your voice is heard:
- Add your ideas to the Strategy Suggestion Box
- Complete the Annual Survey 2016
Come to our online strategy sessions and open discussion on 10 November and 8 December (watch the recording of presentation 13 October by Martin Weller, Sheila MacNeill and Maren Deepwell)
Maren Deepwell, Chief Executive of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT),
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