Being part of ALT Scotland
The ALT Scotland SIG was established in September 2012; it allows learning technologists from across Scottish Education to get together to talk about issues that are currently challenging the different sectors (Schools, FE and HE). Embracing the ALT core values of participation, openness, collaboration and independence, the SIG allows a networking space to share practice and provides an overview of the policy context that colleagues in the different sectors are working in.
We operate a steering group, a JiscMail list and run an open face-to-face gathering once a year, usually in June. The agenda is shaped by the officers and discussion on the JiscMail list. You can find out more about us and how to join on the ALT Scotland Members Groups page. As well as the formal annual gathering, we often hold ad hoc meetings at the ALT Annual Conference, within the OER series of conferences, or at other conferences where there is a significant ALT Scotland presence.
The current co-chairs are Joe Wilson from City of Glasgow College and Vicki Dale, University of Glasgow. Vicki takes over from Professor Linda Creanor, awarded Honorary Life Membership at last year’s conference for her invaluable contributions to ALT. Over the last few years the group has been active in promoting open practice, sharing innovative and effective practice and promoting ALT membership and the CMALT pathway for professional development. The ALT Scotland has also written to and lobbied Scottish Government around the adoption of the Open Scotland Declaration and in having clearer statements of intent around open education generally.
This year’s gathering will be on the 19th of June at the City Campus, City of Glasgow College, with topics including Chatbots and ePortfolios as well as providing an overview of activity in schools, FE and HE sectors. You can see the draft agenda for this year’s gathering and register to attend. We are delighted that the upcoming ALT Annual Conference will be held in Edinburgh on 3-5 September 2019, and look forward to a strong participation from our regional members as well as the opportunity to interact with colleagues nationally and internationally.
Joe Wilson, Glasgow City College @joecar
Vicki Dale, University of Glasgow @vhmdale
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