
The hedgerows are full of fruit right now, these elderberries are so inviting! Bountiful nourishment which we can forage to make a delicious tea time treat at little or now cost.
Thanks to the disruption of the pandemic many of us have been visiting the virtual hedgerows of edu-twitter and other such spaces to exchange ideas and tools and to support each other through the many challenges of an emergency pivot. Now we face further challenges as we plan for the coming year. It seems to the Open Ed Sig that we can help to populate our virtual hedgerows through sharing our experience and expertise openly. This is true whether you are an individual practitioner or indeed a large organisation which supports open values. How? By signing the #OpenCovid4Ed pledge.
Helen Beetham will be joining this webinar to tell us more about the idea behind the pledge and how we can promote it to our contacts. There is no doubt that covid19 has had a negative impact on access to learning for many and we are calling on the Open community in all their diversity to get behind this call for action to show their commitment to education for all.
Join our webinar on Friday 18th September 12.30 (UK BST) Time where you are.
The recording of this conversation is available here.