Digital Badges! Add to your badge collection via the AmplifyFE Community Space
By AmplifyFE
In our sector, we know that stickers and badges are not just enjoyed at school. There’s something special about earning something tangible that you can show off, even if it’s just to yourself, in your own diary or notebook. Digital badges can provide this feeling of value and kudos in the same way and so much more!
Organisations and institutions use open digital badges for multiple purposes, not just recognition of achievements. They can be used to motivate and reward, showcase official memberships, and accredit continual professional development.
ALT offers a range of digital badges to recognise professional development and active engagement in peer review, peer assessment and governance, with a total of 10,000 badges issued to date (ALT Impact Report, Sept 2022). Badges have been awarded for hosting a webinar, attending a conference, being a CMALT assessor, and writing a blog post alongside many other recognitions. The AmplifyFE team has been busy creating the following digital badges.

The AmplifyFE Community Space Member Badge from the Open Badge Factory is awarded for:
- Attending a community space webinar
- Attending a community space meeting
- Signing up for the AmplifyFE mailing list
The AmplifyFE Community Space Presenter badge is awarded for:
- Hosting a webinar
- Taking part in a podcast
- Doing a Spotlight presentation at a community space meeting
What is the Open Badge Factory?
Open Badge Factory is the platform we use to share open badges with our community space members. Badges are fully verifiable and show who and when the badge was awarded, alongside details about the badge.
If you haven’t already received a badge, sign up to our mailing list to stay updated and receive one during our next allocation of badges.
What can I do with my AmplifyFE open badge?
- Add your badge to your email signature
- Claim your badge on Open Badge Passport
- Share your badge on social media
- Showcase your badge in your CPD record/eportfolio
- Add your badge to your CV/ LinkedIn profile/website
What is the AmplifyFE Community Space?
Amplify FE works to connect and amplify communities of practice for digital learning, teaching and assessment. The AmplifyFE Community Space works across the whole Further Education and Training sector in its widest terms engaging with vocational educators and those who support them.
Learn more about our community space and sign up for upcoming events.
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