ALT ELESIG joins DIGI DOI consortium digital transformation
ALT ELESIG joins the DIGI DOI consortium digital transformation project to strengthen digital capabilities through a reciprocal mentoring scheme within Vietnamese HE institutions.
The Digi: Doi Consortium has been funded by the British Council’s ‘Going Global Partnerships’ scheme as part of its 30th anniversary of its developmental work in Vietnam. The Digi: Doi Consortium (“doi” is Vietnamese for transformation) is in the process of creating a future-proofed hub for digital transformation underpinned by wellbeing, inclusion, and net zero. The Digi: Doi Consortium is driving mutual digital transformation in universities across Vietnam and the UK through the co-creation of collaborative training, mentoring and ongoing networks opportunities.
Find out more about ALT ELESIG’s involvement in the recent symposium at Liverpool John Moores University and news released about the project in Hanoi, Vietnam.
If you would like to know more, please contact Denise Sweeney