July 17, 2013 – Inaugural Meeting #EMLT
Welcome to the first/inaugural meeting of the East Midlands Learning Technologists group.
Please tag all posts or tweets with the #EMLT hashtag (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.) so we can collate and make our work/research easier to share.
If you work in Learning Technology in the East Midlands region, whether that’s in HE, FE, schools or the private sector, and are interested in joining us at Loughborough University for this first meeting on July 17th, then please indicate this on our Eventbrite page: http://emlt01.eventbrite.com/ (password to access is ’emlt01′).
The schedule for the first meeting is:
12:30 Lunch and networking
13:00 Introductions – background to group and original aims
13:20 Knowledge Café – Flip Charts / How should we be communicating as a group? / What challenges do we face as learning technologists? / How might the group help you (and your institution)? / What could we achieve together? / Discussions to last 40 minutes, pulling together ideas – 30 minutes
14:30 Refreshments and networking
15:00 Pecha Kucha presentations: Melanie King, Loughborough University, ‘Co-tutor’, http://co-tutor.lboro.ac.uk/about.php
15:30 What do we want from our meetings? Next steps.
16:00 Close
We look forward to seeing you on the 17th!