New films take a closer look at ALT projects and member views
ALT has produced a series of short films to give you an inside view of who we are, what we do and why members enjoy being part of our community.
Made earlier this year in locations across the UK, ALT spoke with some of our members who are making innovative use of learning technology in education about what it means to be part of the community. There are three films showcasing ALT Community Tech Tales:
‘Using Augmented Reality to Enhance Learning and Teaching’
With Rachel Beckett, Head of Special Collections, John Rylands Library, University of Manchester; Dr Jackie Carter, Senior Manager, University of Manchester; Guyda Armstrong, Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester
‘The Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning (ocTEL)’
With David Jennings, Independent Consultant, Writer & Project Manager, DJ Alchemi; Devampika Getkahn, Learning Consultant at Thomson Reuters
‘Seeing the Connections: Twitter Community Exploration with TAGSExplorer’
With Martin Hawksey, former Learning Technology Advisor, Jisc Cetis
‘Inside Views from our Members’
With Andy Beggan, Head of Learning Technology, University of Nottingham; Ellen Lessner, e-Learning Coordinator, Abingdon and Witney College; Dr Liz Masterman, Senior Researcher, University of Oxford; Tom Franklin, Consultant, Franklin Consulting; Fawei Geng, Learning Technology Support Officer, University of Oxford
The films were shown during ALT’s 20th anniversary celebrations at the annual conference on 11 September 2013. They were well received by the altc2013 delegates and capture some of the enthusiastic, supportive and cooperative culture felt by so many of our members. As noted by our Chief Executive, Dr Maren Deepwell, “technology really has the potential to change education across the globe, and its incredibly exciting”.
ALT would like to thank Wright Communicators for filming and production.
The Association for Learning Technology Team
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