Sharing stories: E-learning case studies from the Jisc Regional Support Centres
Each year, our customer satisfaction survey tells us how much our supported learning providers appreciate hearing about real experiences from others in the sector: what they’ve been up to; what they are thinking of trying; what works well and, equally as important, what might be good to avoid.
The Jisc Regional Support Centres across the UK play an important role in facilitating the sharing of effective practice across the post-16 education sector.
We’ve found one of the best ways of doing this is through case studies. Over the last five years we’ve worked with a significant number of colleges, universities, ACL and WBL providers to tell a story of how they’ve been using technology successfully. The collection now contains over 600 practical case studies from across the UK.
So what have you got to share? Take a minute and think, “what do we do well”. It might not necessarily be a technology related thing, but if it is, then please do get in touch with your local Jisc Regional Support Centre as we’d love to be able to share your story.
Please take a look at the case studies to explore all the ideas that you could use in your own organisation, and do remember to share your experiences too.
Joan Walker
Advisor: Curriculum and Deputy Manager
Jisc RSC Scotland
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