Have your say: ALT Annual Survey
ALT is launching a new Annual Survey. The survey is open for responses now at http://go.alt.ac.uk/ALT-Survey-2014 and will close on Sunday, 15 January 2015.
President of ALT, Diana Laurillard explains how ‘feedback from ALT members last year has been instrumental in shaping the new ALT strategy, and we now have a clearer statement of our aims and values as a result. I would like to thank members for their input and encourage you to continue to contribute via this new annual survey to help inform all our current activities, such as our increasingly effective policy work’.
The purpose of this survey is to engage with ALT members to:
- Help map the ALT strategy to practice within our community in order to better meet and represent our members’ needs;
- Show how Learning Technology is used across sectors;
- Understand current and future practice.
While this survey is primarily aimed at ALT members it is open to anyone to complete.
Sharing their perspective on the survey, Trustees Sheila MacNeill and Malcolm Ryan said: ‘ALT is a membership organisation and whilst Trustees are members just like you, the more you share with us via the annual survey, the better our organisation will be for everyone. This is why we’d really appreciate if you could take 10 minutes to fill out the survey so we can ensure ALT continues to develop and grow in the ways that matter to our community.’
The aim of the survey is to build an annual perspective of members’ priorities and practice and help us show how Learning Technology develops as a discipline and a profession. Alastair Clark, and Sarah Sherman, Trustees, comment “Trustees work hard to ensure that ALT does meet the needs of its members. It is really important to know what you think about the way the Association runs and how you want ALT to develop. We are really looking forward to seeing the results and working on how we can address our members’ requirements”. Results of the survey will be openly published each year in spring.
The survey is open for responses now at http://go.alt.ac.uk/ALT-Survey-2014 and will close on Sunday, 15 January 2015. You can find out more about the survey here.
If you enjoyed reading this article we invite you to join the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) as an individual member, and to encourage your own organisation to join ALT as an organisational or sponsoring member
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How does ALT support educators and institutions in integrating technology into learning and teaching?