Meet the Editors
Liz Bennett and Frank Steiner have completed their time as Newsletter editors and have formally handed over responsibility to five new editors.
As ever, the success of the newsletter is dependent on your help, and we are keen to hear from anyone who would like to contribute case studies, project news, opinion pieces, or other types of articles to the blog. The blog provides an ideal opportunity for dissemination of information about current work, success stories and collaborations and can be used to help direct readers to other sources of information, including journal articles, conference reports and other blogs. If you would like to contribute, or get in touch to discuss an idea for an article, please contact us at newsletter@alt.ac.uk
Anne Hole, University of Sussex – Editor in Chief
Anne is a Learning Technologist at the University of Sussex, where she works most closely with colleagues in the Arts and Humanities schools, supporting their use of technology to enhance students’ learning. Anne’s passion for teaching began during her doctoral studies and leading to a PGCertHE and nine years as an Education Developer before a move to Technology Enhanced Learning. Anne’s particular interest in the use of social media and mobile devices for personal and professional learning. She contributes to the Sussex TEL blog and is active on Twitter @annehole and Googleplus
Anne is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology (CMALT), having completed her portfolio in 2013.
Sarah Cornelius, University of Aberdeen
Sarah is continuing her involvement with the Newsletter after joining the Editorial Team in 2013. Sarah is an educator, researcher and writer with experience across the HE, FE and private sectors.
As a Senior Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen, in the North East of Scotland, Sarah makes use of a wide range range of technologies to support remote, rural and international learners and engage in distributed professional activities. She investigates learners’ and teachers’ experiences of technology enhanced learning and is currently undertaking projects exploring the impact of mobile devices in schools, teaching in virtual classrooms and provision of effective support to Masters project supervisors.
Sarah recently completed a co-authored book ‘Live online learning: strategies for the web conferencing classroom’ published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2014.
Stella Ekebuisi, Queen Mary University of London
Stella is Head of E-Learning at Queen Mary University of London where she is also convenor for the Teaching with Learning Technologies module on the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice. She makes use of a wide range of technologies in her teaching on both blended and distance programmes advising academic staff at all levels on their use of e-learning. Much of Stella’s time is dedicated to planning and implementing e-learning strategy at an institutional level; developing policies that both support individuals and encourage innovation; and leading on projects to introduce new and exciting learning technologies into the university.
Stella completed her Master’s in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education at the Institute of Education in 2010 to complement her Mathematics and Computer Science background.
Peter Reed, University of Liverpool
Peter is a Lecturer with a particular focus on Technology Enhanced Learning within the Faculty of Health & Life Sciences at the University of Liverpool. This involves acting as the Faculty Academic Lead for TEL on various projects within the Faculty and across the wider University. His role also involves teaching on various undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
He recently commenced PhD studies related to the use of social networking sites amongst undergraduate medical education students at the University of Liverpool, although his research interests also include pedagogy, open education and eAssessment.
Peter has held various positions across four Universities in the North West of England since 2003, including learning technologist, project coordinator and lecturer positions, involving work on the HEA Pathfinder project and the JISC-funded ReProduce Project. He is active in the ALT community and is a deputy editor (research representative) for the ALT Newsletter.
Chris Rowell, Regent’s University
Chris Rowell is a Deputy Learning Technology Manager at Regent’s University London. Previously a Lecturer in Economics (1990- 2005) and a Lecturer in Education (2005-2010) at the University Centre Croydon.
His first degree (BA Hons) is in Economics. Chris also has a PGCE and two MA’s in Development Studies and Education (eLearning). More recently Chris completed Prince2 training for project management.
Chris’s research interests are all things to do with Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). More specifically the evaluation of TEL by both staff and students in Higher Education. He writes and publishes his own research on his blog, http://totallyrewired.wordpress.com/
He is a member of SEDA’s Conference Committee and SEDA’s Special Interest Group on Technology-Enhanced Practice and is a Certified Member of the Association of Learning Technology (CMALT).
Chris lives in Camberwell and he is interested in things to do with cycling, photography, travel, politics and London. You can follow Chris on twitter @chri5rowell
Howard Scott, University of Hull
Howard is currently a PhD doctorate student researching the use of social networks to augment blended learning and improve engagement, through the Faculty of Education at the University of Hull. He has an MA in Media and education from the Institute of Education and work as an English lecturer in the FE college sector. Howard previously worked as a journalist and editor, before entering the more creatively stimulating world of the classroom.
A member of the Mobile Learning Scenarios network, a pan-European academic research community, which aims to collect best practice examples of mobile learning in different educational contexts. Howards’s interests are in student motivation, ownership, personalisation and independent learning. He is also widely interested in social-constructivism, project and problem-based learning, new literacies and their practice, and in curriculum reform, transforming educational provision and modifying conventional contexts.
When not reading research reports, Howard is usually either asleep or walking in the enchanting landscapes of the north. He aspires to write creative fiction and to be able to read novels again without a sense of guilt about neglecting his doctorate.
The ALT Online Newsletter Editorial Team newsletter@alt.ac.uk
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