Call for presentations! EMLT Winter 2015 Meeting

Cold Cold Mountain
Image from: Wasfi Akab shared under CC.

Our Winter meeting of the East Midlands Learning Technologists’ group is due to take place on Wednesday 9th December 2015, De Montfort University.

The art of assessment.

Assessment is at the heart of any learning professionals life. Whether formative or summative it plays a significant role in allowing us to judge a learner’s progress, as well as the knowledge, skills, practices and behaviours they have developed during their learning journey.

During this event, we would like to explore how technology can be used to support assessment in all its forms. We hope to look at the impact of some of the newer approaches to assessment such as the use of Open Badges as well as more familiar approaches like online quizzes and electronic submission. In addition we would like to explore assessment approaches which consider inclusive practices and assessments designed to look at developing learners’ digital skills and practices.

Call for presentations

We’d still like some Pecha Kucha sessions, presentations from our community – 6 minute presentations with images – where you tell us about the approaches you have taken technologies to support assessment, so please complete the form if you’re happy to present.

Pecha Kucha sign up:

Closing date for submitting ideas is 5pm on Friday 27th November 2015.

Event Details

If you have not yet booked a place, please complete the form on Eventbrite, you will need to enter the password to get in. This is: em1t (emlt with the L replaced by a number 1). The booking form is at

Food and drink will be available on arrival at 12:00 – details to follow.

Further details for parking and a map of the campus will be provided nearer the time.

A big thank you to Wyver Solutions Ltd for sponsoring this event!

If you’d like any more detail, please drop me an email to Laura Hollinshead at


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