Open Badges for #altc blog contributors
Members of the #altc community are encouraged to get involved by writing for this community blog. The short, topical entries help to keep us all up to date with developments in learning technology and provide an opportunity for discussion.
We feel that this sort of commitment to community sharing deserves some recognition – so we are launching an open badge for ALT members who contribute posts to the #altc blog.
The Contributor badge will show that ‘the holder has contributed to the learning technologies community by writing a post which has been published on the #altc blog’. A link to their post will be embedded into the badge so that anyone viewing it can see the post for which it was awarded.
When you have had an #altc blog post published, you will be provided with full instructions to claim your badge via the ALT website. Once your badge has been approved you can see it in the Achievements tab of your ALT profile and, if you wish, send it to your personal Mozilla Backpack.
The editorial team will be contacting anyone who has contributed to the #altc blog in the past to give them the opportunity to claim a badge.
We hope that contributors will like receiving this recognition for their efforts.
If you are a member of the #altc community and have an idea for a blog post that you would like to write please have a look at the ‘Write for Us’ webpage and get in touch via blog@alt.ac.uk
This post was written by Anne Hole, Editor-in-Chief of the #altc Blog blog@alt.ac.uk
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