EMLT – Winter 2016
Our Winter meeting of the East Midlands Learning Technologists’ group is taking place on Monday 19th December at Loughborough College.
The session will be slightly different from our usual fare in that we will be experiencing ENIGMA.
Note that lunch is not being provided, so please ‘bring your own lunch’.
The AOB at 3pm will be the usual open discussion forum.
To book a place please complete the form on Eventbrite, you will need to enter the password to get in. This is: em1t (emlt with the L replaced by a number 1). The booking form is at:
Closing date for bookings: Monday 12th December 2016, 5pm.
Directions and Parking
Please park in Car Park 1.
Upon arrival proceed to the reception in ‘The Hub’ and collect a visitors badge. You will then be escorted to the ENIMGA venue.
If you’d like any more info, please drop me (Rob Weale) an email: rweale@dmu.ac.uk