ALT Conference: Call for proposals
Conference themes:
– Empowerment in Learning Technology: supporting students through staff/student partnerships, students as influencers, developing skills and supporting staff at all levels;
– Learning Spaces: impact of Learning Technology on the physical and the virtual, strategies for enabling innovation, effectively managing change;
– Moving from the practical to the ‘publishable’: reporting from the forefront of innovation and research, policy and strategy fit (or not) for what’s ahead, sharing practice and scaling up Learning Technology through large scale institutional projects;
– At the forefront of innovation: ethical implications of ‘data’ for learning and teaching, making use of data in assessment, the hype around AI, machine learning and learning analytics and what’s beyond;
– Wildcard: you are free to contribute any aspect of your research, practice or policy work.
Please see the full call for further information and guidance on how to submit your proposal.