Call to our members!

Greetings to all of our Learning Spaces SIG members!

As you’ve no doubt, noticed… This group has become a bit quiet. This is due to those of us who have been attempting to run the SIG, being extraordinarily busy in our regular 9-5 jobs. (Please note, I’m a Yankee, and tend to write like one… No offence to my British audience, in any way.)

Anyhoo… We’re putting a call out to our members. There are 84 people that are interested enough in Learning Spaces and all that that topic entails, that we’re hoping some of you would be willing to step forward, and help.

If you’re up to the challenge of organising a few meetings, and perhaps leading on campus visits, and the like… Please do respond to this blog-post, or feel free to contact me directly at as we’re all quite excited to get this group up and running again!


Tucker (on behalf of the organising committee)

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