One strand of our work: vote for a collaborative research project

Carrying out an inter-institutional collaboration on a particular research project of common interest was one of the suggested activities for our Special Interest Group by our members during our consultation exercise.

Many a times we undertake small-scale research projects related to using technologies individually. But what if we all joined forces to design and carry out the same research at our respective institutions, and make sense of our results together? This way, we do not only scale our research findings and knowledge, but also build capacity in research skills by learning from one another.

During our autumn #ALTC launch session, a few ideas were suggested as potential research topics. One included learner experiences around accessibility, given the new regulations for accessibility of learning resources. Members also suggested that supporting novice researchers/evaluators on what methodology to use and how to build up an inquiry would be useful, which links to the idea of mentoring, another strand of our work.

The question is to you: what research topic or question would you be most interested in exploring as a collaborative project carried out by ELESIG members? Would something around learner experiences and accessibility be of interest? Or anything else? Please post your idea via tricider and/or up-vote the ideas already listed there. Alternatively, use the comment boxes below for discussion.


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