Open Source for skills acquisition #altc #opensource

This blog post is shared as part of the Open Education SIG twitter chat for ALT’s winter conference 2019 which will be chaired by Teresa MacKinnon and Sam Taylor.
When you choose a digital tool, does it matter to you if the source code is open source? Have you ever wondered why it matters? Maybe you are an open source advocate or a regular coding contributor? We would like to encourage you to contribute to our #altc twitterchat today on the use of open source technologies for skills acquisition. Just use the hashtags #altc #opensource to join in!
Here is an authoritative definition to open source software
Frequently used open source tools include Moodle, Mahara, H5P, Wikipedia, Etherpad, Drupal and so many more. Developed often by large international communities who embrace “open source thinking” a way of working that is collaborative and transparent, offering agency to all those who participate.
“Approaching all aspects of life “the open source way” means expressing a willingness to share, collaborating with others in ways that are transparent (so that others can watch and join too), embracing failure as a means of improving, and expecting—even encouraging—everyone else to do the same. It also means committing to playing an active role in improving the world, which is possible only when everyone has access to the way that the world is designed.”
By sharing, we don’t just mean writing ‘code’. Sharing could also include offering translations, providing examples of usage, resources and feedback, as well as acting as a sounding board to bounce ideas from.
As well as sharing expertise, a shared set of values helps to ensure that your digital work is not locked into proprietary formats which rely on ever increasing fees. Thus open source engagement promotes equity in the use of technology – a concept sometimes referred to as #techquity. At the heart of open source is the belief that everyone should have access to technology and that we can all learn from each other.
Join our conversation as part of the #altc Winter Conference, share your experiences and we can all learn together!
Here’s the wakelet of our discussion.