Open Education week 2020
It is that time of year again! This annual event helps us to share the many open activities we are involved in and this year is a particular challenge as there is so much going on in open education. So this year the Open Ed sig is providing an asynchronous opportunity to focus on the policy dimension of open education coupled with a collaboration with the femedtech network.

Taking part and belonging.
Policy making is not in everyone’s job title. Those who are employed to create policy for organisations have the thankless task of trying to enshrine a set of guidelines into organisational leadership to promote a particular agenda. Good policy writing captures an essence of what the organisation values, it inspires engagement with those values and provides a unifying voice. However it also presents challenges – we have probably all experienced the unintended or unwelcome consequences of policies on our everyday lives.
The Open Education SIG has invited some experienced policy makers to reflect upon the challenges of policy writing for open education and share them through this flipgrid board: Open Policies: Who cares?
We invite you to listen to their thoughts. are providing a space for all those interested in open education to offer their perspectives, experiences, misgivings or reflections on open policies (anonymously if you wish) so that we can add our voices to an area which sometimes may feel remote. We do not all define ourselves solely by our membership of an organisation that happens to employ us, we have the right to hold opinions which may not be those of that organisation. Equally we may be working for the cause of open education from outside our employment, in retirement or as a student for example. We all belong in this open space and should have a voice – whatever our terms of engagement with open education.
Posting your Open Policy thoughts to #femedtech
If you would like to share your thoughts on Open Policy to the #femedtech blog, here are the instructions:

- Go to the write section of the site here
- Use the form to submit your post. You can post anonymously if you prefer.
- Select the Category Open Policy challenges and benefits.
- Add a licence of your choice and then preview.
- Submit when you are happy. Your post will be published once moderated (necessary to avoid bots etc.)