Icepops Returns!
By Greg Walters for the Copyright and Online Learning SIG
The Information Literacy Group are delighted to announce the International Copyright-Literacy Event with Playful Opportunities for Practitioners and Scholars (Icepops) is back. Devised by Chris Morrison and Jane Secker the event is run in conjunction with the ALT Copyright and Online Learning Special Interest Group (CoOL SIG).
The event is scheduled to be held on Thursday 8th September at an amazing venue – the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. This will be an in-person event and will include an evening social on the Thursday and some post-conference activities in Oxford on Friday 9th September. Our keynote speakers will be Dr Emily Hudson from Kings College London, Dr Andrea Wallace, University of Exeter and Douglas McCarthy from the Europeana Foundation.
Bookings will be opening soon, so please do mark the date in your calendars but if you would like to present at the conference then now is your opportunity. The call for presenters is open until Monday 6th June at 12pm (in whichever time zone).
All presenters will be required to register for the day, although they will be eligible for a reduced entry fee. Please note online presentations and attendance is not possible. We will notify you by Monday 20th June to confirm whether your submission has been accepted.
We would like to encourage presenters to address one of the themes of this year’s conference:
- Copyright literacy in a time of transition – lessons from Covid-19
- Copyright education in the cultural heritage sector
- Engaging and creative approaches to copyright education including using games, video, music and performance
- Copyright education as part of digital and information literacy initiatives
- Teaching copyright as part of scholarly and open practices
- Copyright and open educational resources
However, we don’t want you to feel constrained if you have a great idea relating to copyright literacy that doesn’t fit 100% into any of the above. Please just let us know and we’ll see if it fits in the programme. All the details you need are on the Icepops 2022 page, with further information coming soon as the programme takes shape! We really hope to see you in-person later this year as what promises to be THE copyright education event!
Originally posted on the Copyright Literacy blog: https://copyrightliteracy.org/2022/05/09/icepops-returns/