Top 10 for 2022: Research in Learning Technology Journal
Edited by Fiona Jones
February 6, 2023 8:59 am
After a successful year for the Research in Learning Technology Journal, here is a brief summary of the top ten most downloaded articles in 2022.
- Parental involvement, learning participation and online learning commitment of adolescent learners during the COVID-19 lockdown This is the most downloaded article from the journal website in 2022, and looks to examine the level of online learning commitment and the contributory roles of each of the factors to online learning commitment of adolescent learners.
- Learning in virtual reality: Effects on performance, emotion and engagement This study looks to compare learners using traditional textbooks, video, and VR conditions in overall performance.
- The seven principles of online learning: Feedback from faculty and alumni on its importance for teaching and learning Effective online teaching and learning requires a carefully designed classroom that promotes student engagement with faculty, peers and course content. This research included an investigation of the importance of faculty–student communication and collaboration; student–student communication and collaboration; active learning techniques; prompt feedback; appropriate time for tasks; high performance expectations; and respect for diverse learning styles (preferences) (Chickering and Ehrmann 1996) to faculty in their online teaching and to alumni in their online learning.
- Embedding educational technologies in early years education This survey of 335 practitioners builds on research which challenged the view that educational technologies are rarely used in early years settings. Previous research tends to focus on individual devices. This research looks at the range of devices being used and, instead of investigating how often they are used, considers how they support pedagogical practice.
- Smartphones as digital instructional interface devices: the teacher’s perspective Globally, many nations have put in place policies on technology enhanced teaching and learning in an effort to keep abreast with the rapid advancement in technology. However, the use of technology in education has been slow in many third world countries, inclusive of Zimbabwe. COVID-19 restrictions inadvertently accelerated the adoption of digital instructional interface devices (DIIDs). Smartphones are preferred DIIDs because of their popularity amongst children as well as teachers. This study was therefore carried out to determine the penetration rate of smartphones in science teachers, and also to probe teachers’ views on learners being allowed unlimited access to smartphones.
- Playful learning: tools, techniques, and tacticsOver the past decade, there has been an increased use of playful approaches to teaching and learning in higher education. Proponents argue that creating ‘safe’ playful spaces supports learning from failure, management of risk-taking, creativity and innovation, as well as increasing the enjoyment of learning for many students. However, the emergent field of playful learning in adulthood is under-explored, and there is a lack of appreciation of the nuanced and exclusive nature of adult play. This article will first examine the theoretical background to the field, providing an initial definition of ‘playful learning’ through the metaphor of the ‘magic circle’ and presenting a hypothesis of why play is important for learning throughout the life course. Second, it will frame the field by highlighting different aspects of playful learning: playful tools, techniques, and tactics.
- A review of predictive factors of student success in and satisfaction with online learning Throughout this review, a broad range of factors that affect performance and satisfaction within the online learning environment for adult learners are be examined including learning outcomes, instructional design and learner characteristics, followed by suggestions for further research, and concluding with implications for online learning pertinent to administrators, instructors, course designers and students.
- Questions of quality in repositories of open educational resources: a literature review This paper reviews key literature on OER and ROER, in order to understand the roles ROER are said or supposed to fulfil in relation to furthering the aims of the OER movement.
- Online microlearning and student engagement in computer games higher education Using a self-reported system of Likert-based diagnostics, 135 videos in use at Solent University’s computer games area were analysed.
- Animating student engagement: The impacts of cartoon instructional videos on learning experience Our final article in the top 10 downloaded articles for 2022, explores the use of a series of animated videos to teach advanced accounting at an Australian university.
To find out more about the journal, or to submit an article, visit the Research in Learning website.