Voices of OER23
Thank you to everyone for contributing to and taking part in ALT’s Open Education Conference, OER23. We were ecstatic to welcome over 150 participants from over 15 countries. It was a wonderful conference thanks to everyone involved, especially our speakers and partners.
Seeking Chairs for OER24!
Building on the success of this year’s event, we are now seeking Co-Chairs and host institutions for 2024. We are looking to appoint two people with:
- a national/international standing in the Open Education field;
- the commitment and vision to make the conference a success;
- the capacity to chair a major international conference, and its programme committee leading the peer review process;
- enthusiasm for and/or experience of working with the OER and ALT community;
- at least one Co-Chair should be based in the UK;
- ideally have capacity to host OER24 at your institution in the UK or Ireland, although this is not a requirement.
Planning and organisation of the conference will be the responsibility of the Conference Committee together with ALT staff. The role is unremunerated, but travel and subsistence costs will be met by ALT, with the conference fee waived.
Express your interest by sending an email to ceo@alt.ac.uk, addressing the criteria set out above, by 1 June 2023.
Expressions of interest from pairs of people interested in co-chairing with each other can be submitted as a single email. As an informal guideline, please limit your expression of interest to no more than 500 words in total. We would prefer to appoint someone who has not previously chaired or co-chaired the conference. Proposals will be reviewed by the Board of Trustees who will have final approval.
Promoting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in ALT
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) are at the very heart of the values of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) which inform all aspects of our activities and services. We aim to be open, transparent, inclusive, democratic, fair and free from discrimination in order to best meet the needs of all our members, ALT staff and the wider community.
As part of our commitment to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in ALT, we are implementing monitoring and reporting for all open calls, enabling us to report our progress to all stakeholders at least annually.
Resources from OER23
As we do every year, we are collecting links to blog posts and resources for and about the conference. If you’d like to add yours, please share it with #OER23 or email enquiries@alt.ac.uk.
We encourage you to share your conference feedback.