CEO Report to Members, July 2024
Dear Members,
I hope you are all well and have some time off planned over the summer to rest and recuperate. At ALT, we are entering our busy period as preparations ramp up for our Annual Conference and AGM. I have lots to share with you in this update.
Could you be our next Trustees?
Our Trustees are a vital part of ALT. Our Trustees set ALT’s direction, are responsible for ALT’s strategy and the overall performance of the association. We have two vacancies for appointed Trustees and are seeking enthusiastic individuals to join our Board. Find out more about how to apply. Applications close on Monday 29 July at 12:00 BST (noon).
Annual Conference 2024
We are really looking forward to our Annual Conference in September. We had a fantastic response, as ever, to the Call for Papers and Scott, Diane and the Conference Committee worked hard to complete the peer review of every submission. The ALTC24 draft programme is out now and we’ve announced our keynotes.
Opening the conference on Tuesday, Chris Friend will explore empowering people through technology in ‘Humane Education: Empathy in Policies, Places, and Platforms’. On Wednesday, our student panel will be ‘Imagining the Future of Education and Technology’ and sharing their thoughts on what the future could hold. Our final keynote on Thursday, will explore how our panel fosters inclusive environments and spaces by ‘Inviting Improvement through Lived Experience’.
This year sees the return of the popular ALTC Radio show hosted and organised by DJ extraordinaire Dom Pates and we introduced a new theme focused on emerging research. Our Gala Dinner will include our Awards ceremony and evening entertainment.
As I mentioned in my last report, we are trying a new venue this year. The venue is well connected by rail and air with accommodation in the vicinity or short train ride to Manchester city centre. I look forward to hearing your feedback on it. We know the timing of our Annual Conference is a challenge with children starting school or the start of term at work for many, so, we are trying out this kind of venue as we have more flexibility on the timing of the conference in future.
We know how difficult the current economic climate is and the challenge of securing funding and time to attend conferences like ours. To help our Members, we have written a blog on ‘Writing a business case to attend ALTC24‘ with tips and suggestions for writing a strong case to attend. Thank you to our Trustee Puiyin Wong for sharing the case she wrote as an example.
Annual General Meeting 2024
Our Annual General Meeting will take place at our Annual Conference on Wednesday 4 September. If you are unable to attend the conference, you can register to join the AGM online. Resolutions must be received by 16:00 on Friday 26 July.
ALT Awards
We had a fantastic response to our call for nominations this year. We introduced a new award with our partners at Ufi VocTech Trust that aims to highlight the work of educators who develop student skills in vocational subjects (education that prepares people for a skilled craft as an artisan, trade as a tradesperson, or work as a technician). Our judges had a very difficult job selecting our winners and we look forward to awarding them at our Gala Dinner in September.
This year, we reintroduced the Community Choice Award to enable our Members to have a say in who they feel deserves recognition for their work. I encourage you all to read the entries and vote for the person or team you feel is most deserving of recognition. Voting is open until Thursday 22 August 2024 (at noon). You only get one vote, make it count!
CMALT Online Course
The CMALT Online course, tentatively titled “Your guide to Certified Membership of ALT (CMALT)” is progressing at pace. Our friends at Catalyst IT Europe have provided the cloud-based Moodle platform that will host the course. My thanks to Richard Oelmann, Joey Murison and Sam Taylor for helping us make it happen.
We have been very lucky to have the support of the team at King’s Digital to design and create the content. Having the collective learning design skills and experience of the team has been invaluable. My thanks to Michael Kay, Hazel Deacon, Elisa Vallarani and Evelyn Huang (and everyone involved that I have forgotten) for the hard work they have put in to this project.
In June, CMALT holders and assessors were invited to record videos for the course on their experiences and tips. My thanks to Anna Armstrong, Ellie Dommett, Geraldine Foley, Kiran Gawali, Tom Gurney, Antony Makrinos, David Reid Matthews, Dom Pates, Sheila Smith, Julie Voce and Puiyin Wong for giving up their time to create content to help their peers. We are very lucky at ALT to have such generous Members!

We plan to demonstrate the course at the Annual Conference in September. King’s Digital will also share the process and approaches they go through to design and create the course. I hope you’ll join us on Thursday 5 September at 13:30 for our session.
Launching new Special Interest Groups
This year, we reopened applications for new Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and received a brilliant response. We are introducing four new SIGs who will launch at the Annual Conference. We will be inviting Members to get involved as Officers of these new SIGs very shortly so watch this space!
CEO Recruitment
Our Board of Trustees have been very busy over the last few weeks interviewing candidates for our next CEO. Thanks to our recruitment consultant Jenny Hill, from Harris Hill, we had a very strong field. We will update Members on the outcome as soon as we can.
Call to get involved

We will shortly be inviting Members to get involved in ALT, as we do every year, via our ‘call to get involved’. Participation is a core value at ALT and our Members are integral to everything we do. By getting involved in our activities, you can shape what we do. I hope to see lots of new Members get involved in what we do!