Getting to know: Roshni Bhagotra, ARLT SIG Events Officer
“Getting to know the Antiracism & Learning Tech SIG Officers” is a blog series by scholar and former ARLT SIG Chair, Dr Teeroumanee Nadan, to provide visibility to ARLT SIG officers who undertake this role in a voluntary capacity and to highlight the importance of antiracism work in the sector. It is a celebration of how ARLT SIG officers have grown in this role!
In this blog, we introduce Roshni Bhagotra, Events Officer of ARLT SIG and Senior Digital Learning coordinator in the teaching and learning exchange at the University of the Arts London.
Tell me a bit about your educational and work background?
My background is primarily in the arts, which has been a big influence to my educational and work background. I’ve worked in arts education for just over 10 years and have held varied roles within the sector ranging from audio visual technician, lecturer, outreach facilitator and digital education specialist. I also have a creative practice which is mostly sound, radio, installation, performance and moving image focused, where I regularly experiment with digital and analogue technologies. Much of my research also surrounds sound, storytelling and new media processes, questioning the role of the researcher and editor as an agent for storytelling and change.
What is your interest in ARLT SIG?
I’m interested in the ARLT SIG as I believe the conversations surrounding inclusivity and anti racism in pedagogy and practice are often not present within digital education spaces. I’m interested in learning from others as well as sharing knowledge and experience with the ARLT SIG and the like minded team of colleagues to support a more inclusive and anti-racist experience for those working in and also experiencing digital education design.
What motivates you to undertake your role as Events Officer in ARLT SIG?
A key motivation for me is advocating for the importance of the message and learnings that are part of ARLT SIG events. As an educator it’s important and very motivating to be part of a team with a shared vision for an important cause in advocating for a more diverse, equitable and inclusive culture. I’m interested in giving voice to the people and experiences that are often overlooked and move towards facilitating a culture of inclusion and acceptance.
What have you learnt so far in your journey in the ARLT SIG committee?
It’s been a great journey so far, getting to know everyone and understanding the different roles we all have alongside the workings of the ARLT SIG. A big learning for me so far has been getting to know the breadth and variety of how inclusive practices are experienced across different educational sectors.
What are you doing to improve things within ARLT SIG, ALT and the wider community in terms of antiracism & learning technologies?
I’ve been mostly focusing on organising events in response to our communities needs in the sector. I’ve also been connecting with other institutions and colleagues who are specialists in different areas of antiracism as well as learning technology specific areas, aiming to bring diverse and broader conversations surrounding antiracism and learning technologies to the ARLT SIG.
Since you joined in 2024, what has your journey in ARLT SIG been like so far?
It’s been a great journey. I’ve learnt a lot and have also been able to connect with other like minded colleagues across different educational sectors through events and catch ups and also understand how different types of education and pedagogy can exist and support learners. It’s been great to work towards an important and much needed area in the HE sector!
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