Meet the new editors
Morag Munro, Julie Voce and Graham McElearney have completed their time as Newsletter editors and formally handed over responsibility to three new editors at the recent altc2013 conference in Nottingham.
Morag, Julie and Graham have left a tremendous legacy and we hope to build on this by increasing the frequency of publication of articles in a continuous way. We can only do this with your help and we are keen to hear from anyone who would like to contribute case studies, project news, opinion pieces, or other types of articles to the blog. The blog provides an ideal opportunity for dissemination of information about current work, success stories and collaborations and can be used to help direct readers to other sources of information, including journal articles, conference reports and other blogs. If you would like to contribute, or get in touch to discuss an idea for an article, please contact us at newsletter@alt.ac.uk
Your new editors are:
Liz Bennett, University of Huddersfield
Liz Bennett is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education and Professional Development where she is Course Leader for the MSc Technology Enhanced Learning and MA Action Research. She also teaches on other blended learning courses including Foundation Degrees in Educational Management and Early Years. She has worked at the Open University where she was involved in some large scale courses delivered via the web (Computing with Confidence: Learning Online and You, Your Computer and the Net).
Liz completed her doctorate which was titled Learning from the Early Adopters : Web 2.0 tools, pedagogic practices and the development of the digital practitioner in 2012. She is now in the process of publishing work based on her thesis. She is also working on a project on student engagement funded by the HEA.
Liz is an active member of the Association for Learning Technology, ALT. She is an Co-Editor of ALT’s Newsletter, and has been a Trustee and Member of the altc Programme Committee.
Sarah Cornelius, University of Aberdeen
Sarah is an educator, researcher and writer with experience across the HE, FE and private sectors.
As a Senior Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen, in the North East of Scotland, Sarah makes use of a wide range range of technologies to support remote, rural and international learners and engage in distributed professional activities. She investigates learners’ and teachers’ experiences of technology enhanced learning and is currently undertaking projects exploring the impact of mobile devices in schools, teaching in virtual classrooms and provision of effective support to Masters project supervisors.
She has recently completed a co-authored book ‘Live online learning: strategies for the web conferencing classroom’ which will be published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2014. Sarah will be one of three co-chairs for altc2014.
Frank Steiner, ULCC
Frank has been working in Marketing since completing his BA in Business Administration & Information Technologies at the University of Cooperative Education Mannheim/Germany in 2002.
Since joining ULCC in 2007 he has helped set up and maintain an active social networking presence, engaging the University of London Computer Centre’s (ULCC) customers and stakeholders in conversations around its strategic themes of education, technology and IT service provision.
He recently completed his Diploma in Digital Marketing with the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) with distinction and just this year started on the Chartered Postgrad Diploma in Marketing. Despite being German he doesn’t care particularly about football nor beer, rumour has it this is why he left Germany 9 years ago.
If you would like to contribute to the ALT Online Newsletter please contact us at newsletter@alt.ac.uk