Job Opportunity – E-Learning developer vacancy at Loughborough University

We have a great opportunity at Loughborough for an experienced E-Learning professional, if you are between contracts or looking for a new challenge. As part of commercialising the Co-Tutor software (with £100K of HEIF funding), we are looking to bring in some extra help. You will be working on Co-Tutor and other locally developed PHP based software including the open source Kit-Catalogue and Web-PA packages. You will also have the opportunity to work on other systems and services operated by the E-Learning Systems team, including Learn (Loughborough’s Moodle based VLE) and Computer Aided Assessment via QuestionMark Perception and OMR/OCR.
Job title | IT Services Specialist E-Learning Systems |
Job reference | REQ13754 |
Application closing date | 13/01/2014 |
Location | Loughborough, UK |
Salary | Management and Specialist Grade 6 |
Package | £28,132 – £36,661 per annum, fixed term until August 31st 2014 |
Job category/type | Management and Specialist |
Job description |
We are looking for an experienced E-Learning professional to assist the E-Learning Systems Team Manager in the ongoing support and development of a range of in-house locally developed PHP based E-Learning tools. You will also provide mutual backup and cover for other members of the E-Learning Systems team and services operated by the team such as Learn, Loughborough’s Moodle based VLE, Computer Aided Assessment via QuestionMark Perception and OMR/OCR.
The full vacancy details and online application form are available from our website. If this sounds like it might be your cup of tea, please read on to find out more.
E-Learning at Loughborough University
At Loughborough, E-Learning is fully embedded in the curriculum, through a combination of technical tools, 1:1 and peer-to-peer support, and a vibrant community of practitioners and technical experts.
You will be joining the E-Learning Systems team in IT Services, who operate mission critical systems such as Learn, the University’s Moodle based Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Other major services that the team are responsible for include:
- Computer Aided Assessment (E-Assessment) using QuestionMark Perception and Optical Mark Reader/Optical Character Recognition (OMR/OCR) technology
- The University’s online store, hosted with Web Page Marketing (WPM)
- Echo 360 based lecture capture, branded locally as ReVIEW
- A range of locally developed web based teaching and learning support tools collectively known as the TutorTools suite
The E-Learning Systems team works closely with the University’s E-Learning Officers, embedded in Schools and Departments, who provide first line support for E-Learning tools, systems and services. IT Services also collaborates extensively with colleagues in the Centre for Engineering and Design Education (CEDE), which acts as a kind of “R&D unit” for some of the University’s E-Learning operations.
Further information about this post
Your role will be to provide backfill cover for an existing E-Learning Systems team member who led on the development of the TutorTools suite, and has been seconded to CEDE to work on the commercialisation of the software. Day to day work will include providing technical and end user support for TutorTools users, and also developing enhancements to the software as required.
Training on the TutorTools suite end user experience and technical architecture will be provided on the job by existing staff members working in this area. Facilities to manage student industrial placements are being actively developed in TutorTools, and you will have the opportunity to make a significant material contribution to this work.
You will have demonstrable relevant experience developing web applications, e.g. in a Linux / Apache / MySQL / PHP (LAMP) environment, using CSS for styling, and with experience of Web Services (REST and/or SOAP APIs) – preferably in an E-Learning context. Please see the Person Specification for further information.
For more information about E-Learning at Loughborough, please see our E-Learning blog: To apply for this position, please see our vacancies website.