Meet the committee: Scott Connor.
Based in: The University of the Highlands and Islands (Perth campus).
Passionate about: lifelong learning, technology in learning, collaborating.
Currently I am a member of the University Learning and Teaching Academy team, however I have worked in and out of the university since 1994 during which time I have undertaken a variety of roles including ICT manager, project manager and educational development leader. I confess to not being a great user of social networking tools, although I can be found on Twitter @scottuhi.

In the university my main areas of activity are open educational practice, digital practices and increasingly learning analytics. As a lifelong learner, having studied in various institutions up down and up the academic levels in areas ranging from mechanical engineering and computing to forensic psychology and criminology. I have been aware of open practice for a number of years, although working in professional services has meant that my activity has in general been directed by institutional policy and strategy, hence open has until now not been a focus for me; it is therefore fair to say that I am relatively new to the party.
The recent introduction of an institutional learning and teaching enhancement strategy (LTES) including a focus on ‘harnessing open education approaches’ has provided the mandate for an increased drive towards open. Building on the LTES my recent work has included (in collaboration with others), writing a ‘framework for the development of open practices’ across the university. This is a 3-year roadmap focussing initially on 6 areas of open practice and is now in the consultation stage.
In joining the Open Ed SIG I hope to contribute to the wider open landscape and learn from the experience of other practitioners.
On a personal note I am a triathlete, ultra-runner and Munro bagger, I also like binge watching on Netflix.