Guest Post: What I am looking forward to #altc for 2021… a CEO’s perspective
As Chief Executive it was a sad moment for me last year, when I wrote to Members with an update that there wouldn’t be an Annual Conference in 2020, so I am doubly delighted that this year ALT’s flagship event is back!
With a wonderful Conference Committee, three inspirational Co-Chairs and five conference themes that really resonate with our experiences over the past year. ALT has been running highly successful online events for nearly ten years, and we have contributed a lot of resources and know how on how to do this well to the sector, so I have high hopes that this conference will really deliver for our community.
What to (already) look forward to…
1 – Students creating the look and feel of the event
Engaging with learners continues to be the No.1 driver for the use of Learning Technology, so what could be more fitting than learners helping shape the conference?! For the second year we are collaborating with the London College of Communication’s second year cohort with the winners’ artwork will feature on all aspects of conference communication and delivery:
What a great morning it was. Many thanks to all the @LCCLondon BA IVM students that took part; some really excellent and thoughtful work! Thanks @A_L_T for collaborating with @UAL on this. Artwork winners blog post to follow #altc https://t.co/4nAz7XVgEQ
— Matt Lingard (@mattlingard) April 12, 2021
2 – Showcasing ALT’s new Ethical Framework for Learning Technology
Since October last year, a working group led by Trustees of ALT, has been working to develop our new Ethical Framework for Learning Technology. Work has progressed well and following the initial period of establishing the working group and holding regular meetings, we have collected input and feedback which will inform the next phase of work. From now to September 2021, we will draft, consult on and the finalise the framework and tools for launch at the Annual Conference in September. If you’d like to keep informed or get involved, read our latest update.
3 – AmplifyFE #altc
Over the past year ALT has worked to establish AmplifyFE, a network to connect and amplify communities of practice for digital learning, teaching and assessment in vocational education. The goal of the project was to establish a successful ‘community of practice’ (CoP) where vocational teaching staff are able to acquire, develop and share the digital, and digital pedagogical skills they need to thrive in vocational education. With support from Ufi – the VocTech Trust, this important project will continue this year and I am looking forward to seeing more FE sessions and representation from all the communities we network with #altc. If you’d like to delve into our findings, read the Executive Summary.
4 – The Future of Learning launch
We will be launching the the Future of Learning Programme in collaboration with ITN Productions at the conference. I am excited to have a special event as part of our conference programme, similar to what we would usually do to celebrate our Gala Evening and I am looking forward to seeing Members who have contributed on the big screen.
5 – Open in action
The Annual Conference will contribute to ALT’s pledge to support the Open COVID for Education Pledge. In addition to offering free scholarship places to attend the conference we will also be making all conference materials openly accessible after the event.