Get set for UK Fair Dealing week, running from February 21st – 25th 2022
The ALT Copyright and Online Learning Special Interest Group (CoOLSIG) are pleased to announce we will be coordinating a UK Fair Dealing week commencing 21st of February – 25th 2022. This follows on from last year’s Fair Use/ Fair Dealing week which ran across USA, Canada and other jurisdictions from the 22nd of February – 26th, led and devised by Kyle Courtney (Harvard University).
The purpose of the UK Fair Dealing week, is to not only celebrate and raise awareness of this important legal framework, but through discussion, events, and success stories, celebrate the opportunities it presents.
Launch Event and how to get involved
We are planning to kick start the week with a launch event during the evening of the 21st, so please watch this space for more details coming soon.
UK Fair Dealing can’t be fully explored in a singular event or resource, given the scope of the framework and the UK copyright exceptions its connected to and this is where you come in. If you would like to be involved in the week, then why not consider delivering your own Fair Dealing event at your own institution or writing a blog post? There are numerous ways individuals can choose to participate in Fair Dealing week, & for further examples, please view this page with more ideas.
Methods of how you can share and promote your resources or online events will be made available in due course.
N.B, when developing resources for the UK Fair Dealing week, please refer to the Fair Use brand guide.
1 Comment
Can I raise what I believe to be a related topic? How do we deal with organizations that claim copyright when it is legally impossible for them to own any form of property. I know this sounds strange, but there are many hundreds of what are called ‘unincorporated associations’ who have no legal personality. Instead, they operate under a set of rules agreed to by their members. Think of clubs, societies, charities and so on. But some will claim copyright on things like pamphlets, leaflets, books. Am I the only one who comes across this?