Mission Mastodon: Get involved in a new server experiment
Yesterday saw the start of a new server experiment on Mastodon. Over the next three months ALT Members are invited to join in an exploration of this social space, and learn more about how to use it for personal and professional use along the way.
We are excited to partner with Reclaim Hosting to offer 3 fun, informative sessions focused on Mastodon. The sessions are open to all and free to attend so you should have no issues accessing them here. The sessions will offer interested parties valuable insight into how the federated social media software Mastodon works, with everything from joining a server, to helping them find their way around, as well as providing a peek behind the scenes of the moderating and hosting process. We need you to join the sessions, participate and report back:
- Session 1: Mission briefing: 19 January 2023 at 16:00 GMT (WatchRecording)
- Session 2: Verifying your progress: 23 February 2023 at 16:00 GMT (Watch Live)
- Session 3: 30 days until self-destruct: 23 March 2023 at 16:00 GMT (Watch Live)
For any of the above sessions you can join the Reclaim Discord server to join the chat during the live broadcasts: https://reclaimed.tech/discord .
If you’d like to register and get reminders about each session, head over to the ALT website and register now.
Why are we doing this?
The server we set up will act as a platform for our communities to explore and get to know Mastodon. The server will be temporary, but depending on what we learn along the way, we will decide how to proceed. So, whether you are completely new to the fediverse, or looking for other edtech folk to connect with, join us to explore and learn together.
ALT and Reclaim EdTech are already active on Mastodon, and many in our communities are, too. We are looking to learn more about how we can support folk in this space, how community servers might function, how they could be moderated and what the costs involved might be, too.
This is an opportunity to learn more about being active on Mastodon as well as learning about setting up, hosting and moderating servers for communities like ours and complement what we can learn from already established communities and servers with hands-on experience.
Join the server
Curious? This is your opportunity to join our Mastodon server and get involved. Watch the recording of the first session and join in with the experiment. Everyone welcome!