CEO Report July 2023
Dear Members
July is always a busy season for everyone in ALT, as we gear up for our Annual Conference in September, while the awards judging (with a record number of entries!) and CMALT summer assessments are underway as well.
This year we have a new pair of hands helping us chart the course, as our incoming CEO Billy Smith will join the team from August, and we are all very much looking forward to working together to make the 30th anniversary conference a big success for our community!
Working with our Members is always inspiring, and as I prepare to hand over to Billy I am especially grateful to serve such an active and impactful community, and hope to see and connect with many of you come September!
Annual Conference 2023
The ALT Annual Conference is back and it’s bigger and better than ever! Join us for our first fully-fledged Annual Conference since 2019. This year, our Annual Conference will be held from 5-7 September 2023 at the University of Warwick. Our theme, “Looking through the digital lens: 30 years of Leading People, Digital and Culture”, will celebrate our 30th anniversary and all we have achieved as an Association. Register now to:
- Share and evaluate the latest Learning Technology research
- Explore best practices in digital education and training
- Network and connect with your community
- Collaborate and share new strategies and methods
- Find practical resources and inspiration for the year ahead
The conference will critically examine the organisations and practices we work in through a digital lens, fostering a community of future leaders and innovators in the digital space, who come together to exchange ideas, collaborate, and drive change.
Our programme of social events, including a special celebration of 30 years of ALT, offers plenty of opportunities for informal networking and connecting via activities across campus.
Annual General Meeting 2023
Our 2023 Annual General Meeting will be held in person and online at ALT Annual Conference, 6 September 2023, Warwick, UK. All Members are encouraged to attend and the AGM is also open to guests and observers. The Calling Notice for the AGM will be issued shortly, and in accordance with the ALT Constitution adopted in 2019, the business of the Annual General Meeting will include: approval of accounts and reports and decisions on any resolutions. This year there are no vacancies for elected Trustees and no Trustee elections will take place.
The Agenda for the AGM will be issued at least two weeks prior to the meeting. All papers for the AGM and related information will be published online.
CMALT Internal Accreditation Pilot: consultation phase closes
Our overall aim is to enable Member Organisations to accredit CMALT internally and help meet the increasing demand across the sector for professional recognition via Associate CMALT and CMALT pathways.
During this phase our aim was to map out the pilot process, identify questions & concerns and to collect input and experiences of similar schemes. There was active participation in all consultation meetings in this phase, and all organisations provided input via working group meetings and the consultation padlet. We asked the working group to share experiences of similar schemes, comment on specific aspects of the in-house accreditation process as well as sharing examples of how members are supporting existing cohorts of CMALT candidates that work well and which others could learn from. In addition to the monthly meetings of the group, this phase also included an open meeting with the ALT Assembly in May. We are now working on the report which will collate the input which will inform the next phase of the pilot.
In the next phase, we aim to progress this initiative in two main ways: firstly, the monthly meetings with the pilot group will continue and focus on s upporting candidates. This relates to the work we have planned as part of the CMALT course development which the pilot group can start to inform. The second strand of the work will focus on translating the input from the pilot group into an operational model for piloting the scheme, outlining the financial and practical elements of the process.
Interested to learn more? Join the dedicated CMALT session at the Annual Conference!