Generating inclusive images to represent students – Animated Inclusive Personae (Part 1)
by Katie Stripe, Imperial College London.
‘Developing Inclusive Curricula Using Digital Personae’ (Imperial College London, 2024b) is a workshop run by the ‘Attributes and Aspirations’ (Imperial College London, 2024a) (AA) team based on their work using inclusive personae to make their course more inclusive. This workshop was also run as a CPD webinar for ALT in 2021 (Stripe, 2021). The Graduate School at Imperial wanted to use the theories presented in their workshop in their provision. However, much of their content is delivered as animations. This raised a question around how to source appropriate imagery for different educational scenarios.
The personae created for AA are represented by photographic headshot style stock images, which are hard to source. They also do not offer the flexibility needed for transferral to other scenarios, such as animation. However, bespoke graphics and animations are expensive and have a long development period. This makes them challenging for use in most teaching and learning scenarios.
The Animated Inclusive Personae (Stripe and Meadows, 2024) (AIP) project aims to address some of these issues by developing a solution that, by using templates, will enable any user with minimal training to create an inclusive character. It will also enable them to develop a representative digital image that goes with it. This project started in August 2023. There will be more to share when characters are developed. In this post, we share some of the issues with ‘off the shelf’ content that led to this project.
Stock Photos
The stock photo route has been used so far in the creation of the personae for AA (Stripe, 2024). Due to the nature of the programme, we not only had to find images that were diverse, but also to find images that would be suitable for a LinkedIn profile of our hypothetical students (it is a career skills development programme). This is challenging for a number of reasons and has led to feedback that all our personae look very similar in terms of body shape and style.
Representing ethnicity
Finding appropriate images to represent different ethnicities is challenging. For AA, we use the Articulate 360 content library (Articulate 360, 2024), as it comes as part of the package which we use to develop the content. Searching for ‘Black Male Student’ returned the images shown in fig 1. One of these images is clearly female (and Asian), one of them is white, and one of them is a firework. Some of the issues shown in this selection are created by the way images are tagged and databased rather than the images themselves. Nevertheless, there is limited choice.
Shutterstock (Shutterstock, 2024a) produces a slightly better array of images (fig 2) for the same search term, at least they are all people and all present as Black males. Nevertheless, the images all show people of a similar body type.
The ability to purchase vector image cartoon characters does offer an element of flexibility and a range of poses.
Representing gender
Finding images that present as either male or female is relatively simple. However, within the AA programme we wish to be as diverse as possible and required images that do not represent an obvious gender. The first issue to navigate is what search terms to use. Searching for ‘androgynous student’ and ‘non-binary student’ return similar results none of which are appropriate (fig 3), and in the Articulate content library, one of them is a burger.
While it is true that anyone of the individuals pictured may use they/them pronouns, if the aim is to show someone that does not present with an obvious gender, then these do not work. As above, this is an issue of image tagging but highlights some significant gaps in the image banks.
Shutterstock (Shutterstock, 2024b), again, produces slightly better results on the same search in terms of diversity (fig 4) but there are very few images of a person on their own and none are really appropriate for the ‘headshot’ image that would be ideal for the purposes of AA. Furthermore, the cartoon style image portrays a very odd body shape and could be seen as perpetuating stereotypes.
AI generation from a photo
It is possible to create cartoon style images from a photo using AI tools. While this approach would never be appropriate for the AIP project, it is nevertheless worth exploring the graphic styles that could be produced, and looking at the positive and negatives of AI image generation.
Media.io (Media.io, 2024) is an online tool which takes a photographic image and converts it to a variety of different styles, some ‘realistic’ and some cartoon style (fig 5). Below from left to right show the original stock image and the filters ‘Disney’, ‘Kawaii’, and ‘Big Eyes’.
While obviously cartoon images, they all reflect the original image quite well.
AI Nero (Nero AG, 2024) also offers an option to translate a photograph using AI to create a semi realistic digital avatar. The results here are not ideal (fig 6). The avatar generated from the image used above, which in AA represents a student from Singapore, returned an avatar with light hair and blue eyes. Similarly, the image used in AA that represents a student of Black heritage returns an avatar that has a completely different skin tone.
While this was done on the free version, it shows how AI tools can misrepresent racial profiles.
Online avatar creators
There are numerous websites available that offer the ability to create a digital avatar the ones discussed next are those which are free and do not require an account of any kind, although others have been investigated and offer the same general options but on a wider scale, including in some cases the ability to design a body as well as a head.
The first issue is that most tools request you start by selecting a gender. Get Avataaars (Stanley, 2024) does not, it works on a single, generic, head shape and allows you to change the hair, accessories, and clothes within a set of limited parameters. This kind of create your own kit highlights the second issue, which is the limitations of using anything that has defined sets of characteristics.
Get Avataars allows you to change eyes, mouth, and skin tone which allows me to generate a pale, crying, bald man, who is in disbelief (fig 7).
Which may be fun, but with seven skin tones – one of which is Simpson’s yellow – this definitely does not give you the ability to represent a range of students. While in an attempt to create something to represent the two personae shown above produced slightly better results than AI (fig 8) it still does not produce something representative and is certainly limited in the ability to scale up and create more images.
Avatar Maker (Avatar Maker, 2024) and Cartoonize (Colorcinch, 2024) both work on the same set of parameters and offer a wider range of options than Get Avataaar including 15 head shapes (with options for eyes, nose, mouth and ears). They also offer hairstyles and outfits, but these change, depending on the gender. The main benefit of these creators is the availability of a full colour palette, allowing skin tone and eye colour to be changed by HEX colour codes. Using these tools, I was able to create something that was more representative and with more variety (fig 8), but still limited the headshot style of image.
Bespoke images
All this leaves us at a point where we have decided to create our own using artists. Watch this space to find out what happens.
- Articulate 360 (2024). Content Library. [online] Articulate. Available at: https://articulate.com/360/content-library
- Avatar Maker (2024). Avatar Maker. [online] Avatar Maker. Available at: https://www.makeavatar.io
- Colorcinch (2024). Free Avatar Maker. [online] Colorcinch. Available at: https://www.cartoonize.net/avatar-maker
- Imperial College London (2024a). Attributes and Aspirations (AA). [online] Imperial College London. Available at: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/students/attributes-and-aspirations
- Imperial College London (2024b). Developing inclusive curricula using digital personas. [online] Imperial College London. Available at: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/staff/educational-development/workshops/focus-on/developing-inclusive-curricula-using-digital-personas
- Media.io (2024). Ai Face Editor – Exprssion Changer. [online] Media.io. Available at: https://www.media.io/lab/ai-face-editor
- Nero AG (2024). AI Avatar Generator Free [online] Nero AG. Available at: https://ai.nero.com/avatar
- Shutterstock (2024a). 201,563 Black Male Student Royalty-Free Images, Stock Photos & Pictures. [online] Shutterstock. Available at: https://www.shutterstock.com/search/black-male-student
- Shutterstock (2024b). 760 Non Binary Student Images, Stock Photos, 3D objects, & Vectors. [online] Shutterstock. Available at: https://www.shutterstock.com/search/non-binary-student
- Stanley, P. (2024). Avataaars Generator. [online] Get Avataaars. Available at: https://getavataaars.com
- Stripe, K. (2024). Personae for AA. [online] Blackboard Learn. Available at: https://bb.imperial.ac.uk/bbcswebdav/xid-8708375_1
- Stripe, K. (2021). CPD Webinar: Creating and embedding personas into a digital curriculum to improve diversity and inclusion. [online] YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIuJXjMfZEE
- Stripe, K. and Meadows, C. (2024). Animated Inclusive Personae. [online] Imperial College London. Available at: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/about/education/get-involved/funding-opportunities-for-learning-and-teaching-innovation/funded-projects-funding-opportunities-for-learning-and-teaching-innovation/personae