ALT ELESIG Committee Elections: open call
We are looking for nominations for officer roles for the ELESIG ALT special interest groups
ALT ELESIG is a community of researchers and practitioners involved in investigations of learners’ experiences and uses of technology in learning across all education sectors. ELESIG, formerly the Evaluating Learners Experiences of e-learning Special Interest Group, was established in 2008 to advocate for the theory and practice of researching learners’ experiences in the context of technology-enhanced learning/e-learning. ELESIG became a special interest group of ALT in 2019.
We aim to build our capacity by:
- sharing good practices and developments in learner experience research methodology and methods.
- sharing the outcomes of specific learner experience research studies, including successes, issues and challenges.
- identifying areas of shared interest for cross-institutional collaborations.
- raising the profile of learner experience research within the sectors.
- collaborating with other stakeholder groups involved with learner experience research, including students as partners.
In common with ALT Members Groups and SIGs this group will also:
- Support activities in line with ALT’s strategic aims
- Share ALT’s values of being participative, open, collaborative, innovative, inclusive and transparent
Our current priorities and ideas include continuing with our ELESIG Scholar Scheme, share regular updates via our Webinar Events and publishing timely blog posts on research issues. All our webinars are recorded and made available via the ALT YouTube channel. The new Officers can help us shape ALT ELESIG activities going forward.
Nominations for Officer roles
Nominations are invited for the following Officers of the Organising Committee:
Officer/s (Other)
We encourage representation from across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the Republic of Ireland.
As per its Constitution, Committee Officers of ALT ELESIG are unpaid posts and will be appointed for 3 years.
Individuals may nominate for more than one role and should submit separate nominations for each. Committee Officers need to hold a membership within ALT (either individual or work at an organisation with an institutional ALT membership). These roles provide great opportunity for developing and evidencing leadership for Advance HE Fellowships and other CPD avenues.
Expressions of interest
Expressions of interest should include:
- A statement of interest, experience and envisaged contribution in relation to the Role of the Organising Committee as outlined in the Constitution, and willingness/ability to attend ALT ELESIG meetings. Maximum 200 words.
- Proof of ALT membership (individual or institutional).
- Submit expressions of interest to the form by 12:00 noon GMT 11 October 2024