Announcing the first #altc21 Keynote Speaker – Mutale Nkonde
We are delighted to announce our first keynote speaker for ALT’s Annual Conference 2021. Mutale Nkonde is our first speaker, and will be joined by a whole host of other speakers who will be announced in the coming weeks!
Mutale Nkonde is the founding CEO of AI For the People (AFP) a non profit communications agency.
AFP’s mission is to eliminate the under-representation of black professionals in the American technology sector by 2030. We do this in two ways, the first is identifying, recruiting and developing technologists from traditionally under represented groups. And once we have built a diverse and inclusive workforce. AFP commissions projects which draw on insights gained from research into the unique ways advanced technological systems impact Black life.
We then collaborate with journalists, television producers, film makers and artists to develop content that seeks to educate general audiences about how racists logics become encoded to the technologies that we use in our everyday lives.
Prior to this Mutale Nkonde worked in AI Governance. During that time she was part of the team that introduced the Algorithmic and Deep Fakes Algorithmic Acts, as well as the No Biometric Barriers to Housing Act to the US House of Representatives.
Mutale Nkonde started her career as a broadcast journalist and produced documentaries for the BBC, CNN & ABC. She now also writes widely on race and tech, as well speaking at conferences across the world and currently holds fellowships at Harvard and Stanford.
We are pleased to be able to offer our initial allocation of scholarship places to participate in ALT’s Annual Conference For details visit our scholarship page where you can submit your application.