Introducing Jess Humphreys: The New Chair of ELESIG
I am thrilled to introduce myself as the new Chair of ELESIG. My name is Jess Humphreys, and I am incredibly excited to take on this role within this supportive, collaborative community.
ALT ELESIG is a community of researchers and practitioners dedicated to investigating learners’ experiences and uses of technology in learning across all education sectors. Originally established in 2008 as the Evaluating Learners Experiences of e-learning Special Interest Group, ELESIG has been advocating for the theory and practice of researching learners’ experiences in the context of technology-enhanced learning. In 2019, ELESIG became a special interest group of ALT, continuing its mission to support and advance this important field.
A Bit About Me
I am the Director of the Warwick International Higher Education Academy (WIHEA) and an Associate Professor at the University of Warwick. WIHEA is committed to leading educational excellence at Warwick by empowering staff and students to forge meaningful connections and vibrant communities. Our goal is to develop, recognise, and embed outstanding learning and teaching practices that enhance student opportunities to ‘learn beyond boundaries.’
Before joining WIHEA, I worked in Academic Development, where I led the institutional professional development of digital education and the Learning Design Consultancy Unit (LDCU) created during the pandemic. The LDCU brought colleagues together from across the institution to share practices and support around blended learning design. Our efforts were recognised with the Advance HE Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) in 2022.
Throughout my career, the student voice has played a pivotal role in my work. I continually explore new ways to embed the student voice in design, particularly around digital education. I co-lead an initiative at Warwick called Designing Together, which brings staff and students together to design solutions to educational challenges. The Designing Together team was also recognised with the institutional Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence in 2024.
My research interests include student voice in design, the power of communities of practice in transforming education and creating safe collaborative spaces for innovation and scholarship.
My Journey with ELESIG
My journey with ELESIG began in 2010, when I was working in the Library sector. I attended meetings in the Midlands and shared my experiences with colleagues. A change in direction within my career meant that there was a break in my active engagement, but I continued to remain on the Ning group and stay connected with ELESIG. In 2019, I had the opportunity to work with and co-lead the West Midlands group. This included organising and hosting a regional symposium where colleagues gathered to share their experiences of evaluating student experiences of e-learning.
During the pandemic, my involvement in ELESIG changed once again, and I became more involved in the national committee, serving as the secretary for ALT ELESIG from 2020 to 2022. In this role, I supported the transition from Ning to ALT and co-led the pilot Scholar Scheme, providing support for colleagues’ scholarship of TEL.
As Vice-chair of ELESIG from 2022 to 2024, I continued to co-lead work in this area alongside colleagues from ELESIG and beyond. The Scholar Scheme has evolved, with a second iteration taking place in 2023, alongside a research project exploring the opportunities and challenges of the Scholar Scheme. Together with colleagues from ELESIG and beyond, we continue to explore how we can support and celebrate colleagues working in this area.
A New Chapter
It has certainly been a journey, and I am honoured to follow in the footsteps of previous chairs who continue to inspire me. Looking forward, I am excited about this new chapter for ELESIG. Working with Mary and fellow officers, I look forward to new opportunities for connection, collaboration, and conversations. We aim to continue developing opportunities for collaboration, connection, and scholarship around evaluating learners’ experiences of e-learning.
If you would like to know more and get involved in ELESIG, do get in touch. To join the Group and stay updated with the latest news and events, subscribe to the ALT ELESIG mailing list or join the conversation with @ELESIG on Twitter. If you would like to get involved in the organisation of the Group and its activities, please let us know by expressing your interest.
Looking forward to connecting with you!