ALT Members views on Learning Analytics

ALT was approached by a writer for ManagerSeminare (German monthly magazine on professional training and development) asking for comment on Learning Analytics. Given the questions asked the views of ALT Members we put the questions to them to discuss via the ALT-MEMBERS JiscMail list. These are the resulting reflections taken 21st-28th March 2014. The editorial […] View Article

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Open Education Conference OER14

Newcastle upon Tyne’s Centre for Life was the venue for the fifth annual conference on Open Education OER14, which took place in April. Two university students provided a superb welcome to delegates and Catherine Ngugi then provided a stirring keynote presentation which set the tone for the conference.  As Project Director for OER Africa she […] View Article

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ocTEL course underway, registration still open

Welcoming over 900 participants, we launched the Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning (ocTEL) on Monday, 28th April 2014. ocTEL is a 7-week Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to help participants  understand better how to use technology to enhance teaching practices. The open, flexible nature of ocTEL means we’d argue that you cannot fail the course or […] View Article

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Call for nominations for Honorary Life Membership

ALT awards Honorary Life Membership to individuals whom ALT believes have made an outstanding and sustained contribution to the advancement of ALT’s aims for the development of learning technology in a regional, national or international context through research, practice, policy-development, leadership, or a combination of these. The call for nominations has now been issued, with a closing […] View Article

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Using Mahara in language learning

Language learning is a long process that requires commitment and reflection. Learning a language alongside studying for a degree can be particularly demanding, especially if your main subject of study is unrelated to languages. The Language Centre at the University of Warwick offers an institution wide language programme to all students. This provides an opportunity […] View Article

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SmartTables: the Borders College experience

SmartTables are relatively new on the technology enhanced learning scene but are rapidly becoming popular within Primary Schools. To date the majority of use has been focused on pre- school and primary school aged children, with content being developed to support their learning needs. Until now there has been no attempt to introduce SmartTables in […] View Article

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