Staff Development through Tightly Integrated Blended Learning: The Supporting Learning and Teaching Programme at Imperial College London

Overview The Supporting Learning and Teaching Programme (SLTP) is a 10-month part-time programme providing an introduction to teaching and learning theory and good practice. It is run by the Educational Development Unit (EDU) at Imperial College London and has been specifically developed to meet the needs of the significant number of College staff whose job […] View Article

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A thanks to Seb Schmoller

After over 9 years with ALT, Seb Schmoller, Chief Executive, recently took his retirement. Seb worked closely with ALT’s trustees to plan for this, which enabled us to effect a very smooth handover to his successor, Maren Deepwell. While I’m sure that Seb would be the first to downplay his importance to ALT, I know […] View Article

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Your ALT Newsletter needs You!

Being a membership organisation, the quality of what we can do for our members is often driven by what we can do ourselves to help the broader community of practitioners.  This is particularly true with our ALT Newsletter. To this end, we are always receptive to new ideas and constantly on the lookout for new […] View Article

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In this Edition – Issue 26, February 2012

This edition of ALT News includes: The Self Organised Learning Environment (SOLE) School Support Pack by Sugata Mitra, David Leat, Paul Dolan and Emma Crawley Getting the Mix Right Once Again: A Peek into the Interaction Equivalency Theorem and Interaction Design, by Terumi Miyazoe Mobile Publishing with Jutoh by Scott Hennessy A Story of (O)pen, by Amber Thomas […] View Article

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