Next EMLT Meeting in December

Hi All, The next EMLT meeting will take place in December, looking at the theme of ‘Open learning, open sharing, open practice’. Time and date: Wednesday 11th December 2013 – 12.00pm-4.00pm Location: De Montfort University, Hugh Aston Building, LE2 7BQ To book a place, please complete the form on Eventbrite, you will need to enter […] View Article

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Next EMLT Meeting

Hi All, The next meeting of the East Midlands Learning Technologists Group will take place on Wednesday 11th September at 5pm, Conference Suite 2, East Midlands Conference Centre, University of Nottingham, NG7 2RJ. Directions: Map of Campus: I want to apologise for the late notice, but we have only just heard from ALT […] View Article

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Summary of Inaugural Meeting of #EMLT (Or what else you can do on a hot sunny day in July)

The sun was beating down. There were clear blue skies and ice creams to keep cool. So, why did over 30 Learning Technologists from around the East Midlands head to the Design School at University of Loughborough? Instagram Link: For the inaugural meeting of the East Midlands Learning Technologist Group, of course. And it was […] View Article

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