Reclaiming the webinar: challenges and opportunities for live online learning

 Are webinars critical for distance learning? This question sparked lively conversation on the ALT mail list recently. The answers, from individuals with a wealth of experience in delivering live online learning, ranged from ‘not critical’, to ‘important’, to ‘it depends on the context’. Whatever the answer is in a particular situation, there was an underlying […] View Article

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More Than Blended Learning

In reality, blended learning has been in existence for decades but as a term in common usage in education and recognised as a legitimate approach, it has become fashionable only during the 21st Century. Essentially, mixing and matching a range of approaches and media to learning and teaching intentions is at the heart of blended […] View Article

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Credo Digital Award for Information Literacy 2015

Photo: 2014  winner Georgina Dimmock with judges and Credo representatives. The Information Literacy awards are presented annually at the Librarians Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC). They have come to be regarded as the most prestigious and coveted accolades within the field for UK-based practitioners and researchers. The Credo Digital Award for Information Literacy was established […] View Article

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Webinar Recording: How Open is Open Education? Removing barriers for all staff, students and other learners

The desire to develop open education frontiers has often focussed on improving access geographically to distant students, or to those unable to gain a place in Higher Education, through digital provision. However, these resources often fail to understand the accessibility challenges they raise and what needs to be done to avoid them. The Inclusive Learning […] View Article

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