‘Rhetoric and Reality’ – critical perspectives on educational technology from Down Under

Critical thinking thrived at the 2014 ascilite annual conference (24th-26th November), held in Dunedin, New Zealand, with presentations interrogating claims on a number of themes. Shane Dawson (University of South Australia) in a thought-provoking keynote questioned the value being extracted from analytics software across the HE sector, viewing the technology as a blunt instrument in […] View Article

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Comparing esubmission and marking tools

In common with many other institutions the University of Brighton has seen a huge increase in the volume of assignments being graded electronically and there is a need to ensure that a range of esubmission tools are offered in a clear and consistent manner to support our teaching colleagues. Blackboard and Turnitin Recently a question […] View Article

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Webinar Recording : Creative Commons for Dummies

Creative Commons (CC) licences are a simple way of retaining copyright whilst allowing others to reuse your work. The range of licences lets you define how others can reuse your material. This session will demonstrate how simple it is to use CC licences and what they mean in practice. We will also introduce the UK […] View Article

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From clickers to BYOD: trialling ‘Polleverywhere’ Electronic Voting System at the University of Surrey

The challenges of proprietary EVS Since 2006, academics at the University of Surrey have been using a ‘clicker’ based Electronic Voting System (EVS) to engage students and promote interaction in their classrooms. Although the system has served the University well its reliance on proprietary hardware has limited wider adoption. An issue for students was the […] View Article

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